Is it the weekend yet?
Let me start with some weekend stuff...
First, please tell me I'm not the only person with a relative that knows every thing about everything. YUK!
This past weekend I met up with a running group and had the most enjoyable run on Sunday morning. I went to the Chagrin Valley Reservation in Willoughby Hills, Ohio, If you haven’t been there you need to go, tell you more about that in a minute.
It’s somewhat out of character for me to do something spontaneous like that, meet up with a group of people I‘v never met but I needed to do a long run and had no motivation to do it alone so I thought today would be the perfect day to try something different!
After parking my car at the “Strawberry Pond” picnic area I walked to a pavilion where there was a lady and her dogs setting up food and drinks on a picnic table. Looked like she had several boxes of donut, pastries and coffee, didn’t get close enough to the table to tell. Anyhow, I asked her if she was with the running group, she wasn’t but it was the coolest thing. The lady said if I didn’t find the group I could always come back and have breakfast. I asked what the breakfast was for and she said “just because!” Now I was interested, so I ask, are you having a family get together, meeting friend or anything? She said “no, every couple of Sundays I like to come up here and set up breakfast and invite people to join me!” She said it was a great way to meet people and she had some regulars who always stop by. How neat is that?
Anyhow, The run was all in the woods and on trails, We even went past strawberry pond, which was filled with lily pads and was so beautiful; I fell in love with the place.
There was even an unfinished Castle; I’m told lots of people go there for bridal party pictures. I’m including a link to the website because if your looking for a “One tank” trip to even just have a picnic and see nature, you need to check out the Chargin reservation in Willoughby Hills, Ohio. Breath taking…and I’m not a big nature guy.
Scientist have discover the world smallest snake. I don't care how small it is if it gets close to me I will still run screaming like a little girl. (see above comment, not a nature guy!)
I know it's almost the end of summer but I've got to get me a waboba ball. A waboba ball is a golf ball sized ball that bounces on water. Check out the infomercial for Waboba ball.
Could you dive the whole summer on one tank of gas? Danni Brancaccio of Washington State is trying to do just that. Typically, Danni drives her car 1.5 miles to a park-and-ride facility where she gets on a bus. Brancaccio also picks up rides from friends and sometimes borrows her mother's car to avoid using her own...Wait, she's using her mothers car to avoid using her gas, that's cheating!
First, please tell me I'm not the only person with a relative that knows every thing about everything. YUK!
This past weekend I met up with a running group and had the most enjoyable run on Sunday morning. I went to the Chagrin Valley Reservation in Willoughby Hills, Ohio, If you haven’t been there you need to go, tell you more about that in a minute.
It’s somewhat out of character for me to do something spontaneous like that, meet up with a group of people I‘v never met but I needed to do a long run and had no motivation to do it alone so I thought today would be the perfect day to try something different!
After parking my car at the “Strawberry Pond” picnic area I walked to a pavilion where there was a lady and her dogs setting up food and drinks on a picnic table. Looked like she had several boxes of donut, pastries and coffee, didn’t get close enough to the table to tell. Anyhow, I asked her if she was with the running group, she wasn’t but it was the coolest thing. The lady said if I didn’t find the group I could always come back and have breakfast. I asked what the breakfast was for and she said “just because!” Now I was interested, so I ask, are you having a family get together, meeting friend or anything? She said “no, every couple of Sundays I like to come up here and set up breakfast and invite people to join me!” She said it was a great way to meet people and she had some regulars who always stop by. How neat is that?
Anyhow, The run was all in the woods and on trails, We even went past strawberry pond, which was filled with lily pads and was so beautiful; I fell in love with the place.
There was even an unfinished Castle; I’m told lots of people go there for bridal party pictures. I’m including a link to the website because if your looking for a “One tank” trip to even just have a picnic and see nature, you need to check out the Chargin reservation in Willoughby Hills, Ohio. Breath taking…and I’m not a big nature guy.
Scientist have discover the world smallest snake. I don't care how small it is if it gets close to me I will still run screaming like a little girl. (see above comment, not a nature guy!)

I know it's almost the end of summer but I've got to get me a waboba ball. A waboba ball is a golf ball sized ball that bounces on water. Check out the infomercial for Waboba ball.
Could you dive the whole summer on one tank of gas? Danni Brancaccio of Washington State is trying to do just that. Typically, Danni drives her car 1.5 miles to a park-and-ride facility where she gets on a bus. Brancaccio also picks up rides from friends and sometimes borrows her mother's car to avoid using her own...Wait, she's using her mothers car to avoid using her gas, that's cheating!
Make sure you listen to my "showgram" tonight from 7pm-Mid. on STAR 97.1 Ashtabula, Oh where I will be talking about these topics. If you have any comments feel free to post them here so I can share them on the showgram.
Somebody is in a good mood this morning!!! I can feel it.
The "Showgram!" That's great GK!! I will listen to your showgram tonight!
Screaming like a little girl??? Really??? This is good to know. Not only do I have to throw myself in front of a car if someone tries to hit us when we're running in the dark, but now I know I have to protect you from creatures of the wild such as worms and spiders? Thank goodness you have a blog so I can learn these extra details!
The castle you're referring to is Squires Castle. You've never seen it before???? They have a bunch of hiking trails leading out from the castle, a couple sled riding hills, a nature preserve, rollerblading, and a great creek. That used to be my old stomping grounds. My dad used to take us there all the time and then that's where we'd hang out as teenagers. I also used to hike there on my lunch breaks as it was right across the street from my company. Glad you had such an amazing morning. I hope you do it again! I think I will go up there one Sunday morning since you said they run at my pace. Runners are indeed the coolest people on the planet!!!!
PS... I agree, that girl IS cheating! Not using gas would mean anyones gas. Not just her own. Lame!
What a moocher she is! Heck I could do THAT! Hey Gary- can I borrow your car?
Oh my gosh! Who doesn't have a relative that knows everything about everyone...but usually we call that person our spouse! lol
I think that's awesome that this lady brings out breakfast to the park every few Sundays. I can only imagine the people you'd get to meet. What a challenge that would be!
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