Monday, July 28, 2008

Ban Water?

I watched a lady today, read the front page of the newspaper while it was still inside the vending machine. I sat in my car and continued watching because I had to know if she would actually buy the paper... she didn't!

Probably the same person who stands in line at the grocery store reading magazine articles but never buys the magazine.

On ward---

Penn and Teller sent person out to a "save the environment" type festival to collect signatures to ban water. Check this out.

This one may get me in trouble with women but, oh well. Are women louder than men, especially in groups? Read this editorial from the Milwaukee journal sentinel and tell me what you think.

To me its all just blah, blah, blah...Kidding, just kidding, love ya ladies!


Blogger Jacquie said...

Joiners of anything!!! haha... so true!!! I went to the Jack Johnson concert and there were all kinds of booths and petitions going around to make the earth greener. Everyone was on board to join in. After the concert, I'm not sure what happened though because the entire lawn at Blossom was littered in styrofoam plates and plastic beer bottles. And I'm all for canvas grocery bags (when you remember to get them out of your trunk) but I can't stand the ones that have "I'M GREEN" plastered all over them. It's a cool trend but do people really get it or are they just doing it to be cool?

July 29, 2008 at 9:05 AM  
Blogger Jacquie said...

I guess it did get you in trouble with the ladies... where are all the comments ????

July 29, 2008 at 6:04 PM  

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