Wednesday 8/13
A group called Veterans for Peace is on the warpath against a multi-media simulated killing game the U.S. Army plans for an exhibit at the upcoming Cleveland Air Show.
Show-goers age 13 and older can sit in a replica of a Humvee, virtually speed through desert terrain and shoot fake machine guns at life-size pictures of people projected on a wraparound screen.
Hello, its called a video game, kids are playing them all the time!
An employee of a Xenia, Ohio Burger King has been fired after posting on myspace a video of himself taking a bubble bath in the restaurant's utility sink.
Well, the sign in the bathroom says "all employees must wash before enter cooking area."
OK, what are some of the pranks, gags, games you played as a teenager?
I used to do a lot of TP-ing of girls houses.(My way of showing I cared.)
Fired drills at stop lights where everyone in the car gets out and switches places inside the car. Sometimes we would pop the hood, act like the car wouldn't start then right before the light changed close the hood and drive away. (living on the edge I tell you, living on the edge!)
Drop me a comment with your "harmless" pranks.
Michael Phelps has become the winningest Olympic athlete ever, earning his fifth gold medal of the Beijing Games with a world record in the 800-meter freestyle relay.
This from the totally useless research department. An Octopus actually has two legs and six arms.
Phew, now I can sleep better tonight!
I wonder now if bears have two arms and two legs or is it still just four legs?
Show-goers age 13 and older can sit in a replica of a Humvee, virtually speed through desert terrain and shoot fake machine guns at life-size pictures of people projected on a wraparound screen.
Hello, its called a video game, kids are playing them all the time!
An employee of a Xenia, Ohio Burger King has been fired after posting on myspace a video of himself taking a bubble bath in the restaurant's utility sink.
Well, the sign in the bathroom says "all employees must wash before enter cooking area."
OK, what are some of the pranks, gags, games you played as a teenager?
I used to do a lot of TP-ing of girls houses.(My way of showing I cared.)
Fired drills at stop lights where everyone in the car gets out and switches places inside the car. Sometimes we would pop the hood, act like the car wouldn't start then right before the light changed close the hood and drive away. (living on the edge I tell you, living on the edge!)
Drop me a comment with your "harmless" pranks.

Michael Phelps has become the winningest Olympic athlete ever, earning his fifth gold medal of the Beijing Games with a world record in the 800-meter freestyle relay.
This from the totally useless research department. An Octopus actually has two legs and six arms.
Phew, now I can sleep better tonight!
I wonder now if bears have two arms and two legs or is it still just four legs?
Do you really want to know about some of my pranks?!
Ewww, you know I'm prejudiced against hicks! Nice hair dude!
there's a reason you're working... ahem... worked... at BK. How bad is that to have to put on your resume that you got fired from BK!! Whatta moron!
I've hung tampons in bushes, placed hundreds of plastic forks in a yard, hung HUGE granny panies from flag poles, filled bath tubs with puffed rice, (well tried to know how much puffed rice it takes to fill a tub?--A LOT!), saran wrapped appliances, filled sinks with gold fish...and that was only to one of my great friends...shall I continue?
I was fired from Burger king...I was upset by all the special orders!
(Tires screech, before u hear the joke run smack into wall!!!)
and Michelle,
I was looking for pranks you did as a teenage not something you did last week! Just Kidding!
You know me too well! LOL
Hmmmm...I've gone Christmas caroling at drive-thru's (McDonalds, Burker King, etc), crawled into the center of a clothes rack at WalMart and yelled 'Buy me! Buy me!', Covered friend's cars (inside and out) with Sticky notes, taken all the furniture out of a dorm lounge and STACKED it in front of my neighbor's door (in the hallway) so that when she opened the door there was a huge stack of chairs and tables looking at her...I got in SUCH big trouble for this! That same girl I tp'd her entire dorm too, and I think I filled it with balloons! We used to also see how much we could take from the cafeteria, and who had the most of one thing, or the weirdest thing...I have pictures somewhere with dozens of ice cream cones, and raw spaghetti, and artichoke hearts (those things stink by the way)! Hmmm...I know there's more!
a coworker of mine was waiting for a call from "Who Wants To Be a Millionaire". I got the entire office in on the joke. I called him pretending to be calling to qualify him for the next round. I had some really good questions and even told him he could put me on speaker so his coworkers could be his lifeline. I had him going all the way until I asked the final question: "Who is the most gullible of all the employees in Automation?"
He didn't speak to me for months. Everyone else thought it was pretty darn funny.
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