Texting and driving is better left to professionals... In Minnesota, a 25-year-old driver was pulled over by a sheriff's deputy, not only for traveling at speeds near 80 miles per hour, but he also drifted into the wrong lane because he was text-messaging! As if that weren't enough, he was arrested on suspicion of drinking and driving.
Just so you know...
According to the Department of Public Safety, distractions such as texting or talking on cell phones were involved in at least 15 percent of all fatal crashes from 2005 to 2007.
This story gives meaning to the saying "50 whipping with a wet noodle" only this one was frozen!
An Atlantic Beach, Florida woman is being charged with domestic battery after police said she attacked her husband with a frozen Lasagna!
This women is a "noodle!" Think she was on the "sauce?"
The Montauk Beach, NY monster has been kidnapped!
Last week everyone was talking about the decaying...whatever, found at Montauk Beach in NY. Well, now the person who claims he found the monster, is reporting it missing!
Eric Olsen tells Tuesday's East Hampton, N.Y., Star that he's the mystery man who picked the famous cryptid carcass off the beach last month — but now some dastardly bandit has made off with the remains.
Someone calling himself Nicky Papers has started a blog, naturally, devoted to the entire saga.
Don't scrool down, there is a monster at the end of the post!
This is just freaky!
That was not the monster! please don't scrool down any furter , there is a monster at the end of this post!
EEKS, a MONSTER! I told you not to scrool down.
The Montauk Monster!
Pardon my Grover, can you tell I have children!
Just so you know...
According to the Department of Public Safety, distractions such as texting or talking on cell phones were involved in at least 15 percent of all fatal crashes from 2005 to 2007.
This story gives meaning to the saying "50 whipping with a wet noodle" only this one was frozen!
An Atlantic Beach, Florida woman is being charged with domestic battery after police said she attacked her husband with a frozen Lasagna!
This women is a "noodle!" Think she was on the "sauce?"
The Montauk Beach, NY monster has been kidnapped!
Last week everyone was talking about the decaying...whatever, found at Montauk Beach in NY. Well, now the person who claims he found the monster, is reporting it missing!
Eric Olsen tells Tuesday's East Hampton, N.Y., Star that he's the mystery man who picked the famous cryptid carcass off the beach last month — but now some dastardly bandit has made off with the remains.
Someone calling himself Nicky Papers has started a blog, naturally, devoted to the entire saga.
Don't scrool down, there is a monster at the end of the post!
This is just freaky!
That was not the monster! please don't scrool down any furter , there is a monster at the end of this post!
EEKS, a MONSTER! I told you not to scrool down.

The Montauk Monster!
Pardon my Grover, can you tell I have children!
are you serious? You know about the Monster at the end of this book??? Seriously? I shouldn't be surprised but I still am. Wow.
I always knew Mr Rogers was sssscary!
I knew I had a long lost brother out there somewhere...this texting guy has got to be it! Oh my, I am horrible about texting and driving, and I've got a lead foot too...guess I'd better take it easy huh!
Ok...seriously...why in the world would someone want to steal a dead 'monster?' Really...there wasn't anything else they could think of picking up? And where did this guy keep the corpse that it was stolen?! This doesn't make any sense!
I can hear it now... (screetching, nagging voice)...'You drink one more beer mister and I swear I'll knock you upside your head with this lasagna!' Do we now need to teach our children not to fight with their food?!
I bet he won't insult her cooking anymore!
Of course I know about "There's a monster at the end of the book" GROVER RULES!
Great line!
You don't like like my cooking, cook it yourself!!! (Thump!)
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