Friday, August 15, 2008

tinea cruris...Jock itch!!!

If your the USC football team you have to come up with something other than, "we're suffering from an outbreak of jock itch."

25% of the team has been affected by the apparent run of tinea cruris or jock itch, The condition seems to have spread by way of new compression shorts, or tights, worn under their football pants. Two of their players were so afflicted they couldn't practice.

You've got to say the flu is spreading around the club house or something. This is a moment when you don't want to tell the truth!

a San Antonio, Texas convenience store accidentally sold premium gasoline for .38 cents a gallon after a pump malfunction.

According to the station manager, the "pump malfunction" involving a misplaced decimal point. It was supposed to read $3.89 a gallon. Of course no one reported the error...

Would you? Drop me you comments.
Donald Trump has agreed to buy Ed McMahon's Beverly Hills house for an undisclosed amount and allow McMahon to continue living in it.

McMahon, was facing foreclosure within two weeks on his Beverly Hills home of 18 years.
scientists have proven that "beer goggles" are real!!

Scientists in England gave 84 heterosexual college students either alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks. After 15 minutes, the volunteers were shown photos of 40 other college students from both sexes. The volunteers who drank booze found the people in the photo's to be more attractive that those who didn't drink... at a roughly 10 percent increase in ratings of attractiveness." Thus proving that "beer goggle" do exist!

this reminds me of a joke...

A man and wife were arguing about money. The wife told her husband he was spending way to much money on beer. He said she was spending way to much on make up.

the wife said "I need the make up to look pretty for you."

the husband responce..."That's what the beers for!"



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I tend to be honest to a flaw, but I also love a good deal! So, gosh, I don't know, I'd like to think that I'd be the honest person to say something, but at the same time, who wants to be mauled, right?! LOL

August 15, 2008 at 9:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't understand it, but I do totally agree that alcohol does make people appear more attractive...strange!

CLUE ...If your husband comes home and has a few drinks every night, or has to stop by the bar after work maybe you should do a self-examination...LOL...Just kidding!

(Ducking to prevent getting hit!)

August 15, 2008 at 2:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*Searching through her purse for Donald Trump's cell #*

Darnit! Now where did I put that!

August 15, 2008 at 2:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I would tell the gas station...right after I filled up!

They don't call them 6-pack women for nothing!! (Now I'm ducking to avoid the punch!)


Hope you find his number soon!

August 15, 2008 at 4:16 PM  

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