Monday, November 3, 2008


This is taking things to far. A lady in a Detriot suburb refused to give out candy to Barrak Obama supports who came to her door trick-or-treating! Watch video for whole story.

It is "Trick" or "Treat" right? Shouldn't she get the choice on who gets the "TRICK" and who gets the "treat?"


Speaking of the election, youtube and PBS wants you to video your vote.

Youtube wants you to video tape your voting experience and share the energy, the excitment of the day with the rest of the world.

I've heard all along this was going to be the "youtube" election and I guess maybe it will be!

This is great, there is a japanees web site where you set up a virtual wife who will send you four nagging emails per-day to remind you to eat healthy.

I've included a link to but, unless you read japanees it does no good.

I may have to sign up just as a remininder of why I'm single!

Just what I need...a virtual divorce!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Gary-- what would she take? Your computer?! That is just too funny! And who really thinks this is going to work? We all know that you men don't listen anyhow!

November 3, 2008 at 1:04 PM  

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