From the "are you kidding me department?"
I remember as a kid playing baseball in the back yard and hitting the ball over the fence and into the neighbors yard. Everyone runs to the fence and one kid, usually the fastest jumps the fence and quickly gets the ball before the neighbors...DOG caught you in their back yard, not the neighbors themselves...This has gotten out of controll!
An 89-year-old, Blue Ash, Ohio woman faces a charge of petty theft because neighborhood children say she refused to give back their football... they they lost in her yard!
What's the possible punishment for the crime...$1,000 fine and six months in jail!
The football, $15.00.
Are you kidding me!
I'm tkaing my ball and going home!
Kids should have let her play quarterback everyone in a while!
Things you did as kid that your kids can't...
Ride a bike without a helmet
Ride in the front seat of a car... before being old enough to drive one. (What's the law now...8-years and 80-pounds or your still in a booster.)
Buy your parents a pack of cigarettes.
Not sure if this happened everywhere back-in-the-day but, where I grew up in North Ridgeville, ohio (the west side of Cleveland) I remember going with a friend to a convenient store, giving the clerk a note from his mom that said it was "OK" for him to buy a pack of cigs...true story.
Can you think of other things? Post a comment and let me know!
Think you know your candy bars? Play the candy bar identification game.
They bring up candy bars I've forgotten about like the "Oh Henry," "Fastbreak" and the" "Whatamucallit!" When is the last time you had a whatumacallit!
Other candy bars i've forgotten Fifth Ave, Zero...

Lock her up and throw away the key!
Throw the book at her. Wait, she probably won't give it back!
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