Monday, October 20, 2008

MARATHON EXTRA! (For my friend Jacquie!)

Because a friend ask,(I don't think anyone cares) I'm giving a quick blog about my running of the 29th annual Columbus, Ohio Marathon. "I STUNK!"

I was 7-minuets slower than in the Cleveland, Ohio Marathon which was my first ever 26.2 mile run.

Sunday morning, for about 18-19 miles I was running a great marathon, just ahead of my goal of 3-hours and 20-min, then I started cramping up! I tried to stretch but other parts would cramp. I was drinking lots of water hoping to flush out the cramps or pain I was feeling. I altered my gait swing to ease the pain only to have my ankle get real stiff and sore. Though I wanted quit, I pushed Thru. (Think I would have quit if I knew how to...I had no clue where I was or if someone would come get me.)

Part of me thinks I began to cramp because my MIND wanted an excuse for not accomplishing my goal the cramp was the way out. (Trust me, your mind is so powerful when you run 26.2 miles!)

I've now realized that I am good at staying focused and getting prepared for what ever I want to do I'm just not a good finisher. I think I'm so worried about disappointment or failure that my mind takes over and gives me a reason to fail, IE cramps.

Before I can achieve my goals in running or for that matter anything in life I must first overcome this "fear of failure" I must learn to WIN!

Anyhow, I finished the Columbus Marathon but am not happy! I will take a few weeks off, research a new running plan and work even harder for the A1A marathon at the end of Feb. in Ft.Lauderdale, FL.

Maybe if I had the winning mentality of these movie athletes I would be able to accomplish my goals!!!

The Karate Kid and "THE CRANE" See, he's a winner! That would have been my out!

Rocky beats the Russian Ivan Drago. Rocky knows how to win!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks GK!!! You're the best!

Hey, for anyone who DOES care... and I know you're out there... not only did Gary run an entire 26.2 miles, which is an amazing feat in itself, but he did it in a very fast 3.52. His goal was to qualify for Boston but since he was a half hour behind schedule, he considers this a failure? I don't think so! That's an incredible pace! Way to go GK!!!!!

October 20, 2008 at 3:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great job Gary! I'm proud of ya!

October 20, 2008 at 4:41 PM  

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