In honor of Veterans day I'm posting some great videos featuring the greatest soldiers in the world!!
Soldiers cleaning...this is great!!!
To these soldiers and all veteran, Thank You! Thank you for defending our country. Thank you for defending my family and making America the land of the free and home home of the brave.
To these soldiers and all veteran, Thank You! Thank you for defending our country. Thank you for defending my family and making America the land of the free and home home of the brave.
I don't how desperate you have to be to buy this pillow but, check out the "Boyfriend Arm Pillow!"

Hey, at least he doesn't complain that his arm fell asleep, of have to get up to go to the bathroom, or ask you to get him a beer...
Gossipy stuff...
Lindsay Lohan opens up to HARPERS BAZAAR about her relationship with DJ Samantha Ronson saying she "Loves Her very Much" though Lindsay won't label herself the "L" word.
President-elect Barack Obama's two young daughters, Milia and Sasha have been invited by Billy ray Cyrus to appear on popular kids television show "Hannah Montana."
the Obamas have shielded the girls from the media and it remains to be seen whether they will want their daughters to take part in the show
http://www.pillow-partners.com sell the genuine Japanese boyfriend arm pillow. We are the exclusive distributors for Kameo. Don't be lonely this winter! Thanks for looking and kind regards from Scotland.
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