Thursday, November 6, 2008

Tina Fey has announced that she’s retiring her impersonation of Sarah Palin!

Jennifer Anniston wants babies and according to reports Jen has been undergoing fertility treatments, determined to have a pair of babies with John Mayer." Not just one baby, mind you -- "a pair of babies...Jen is about to turn 40!

Britney Spears and Justin Timerlake are to appear on stage with Madonna tonight at Dodgers stadium in LA.


According to a recent survey at here is what women say they least like about their bodies.

52% of you -- that's right, more than half of you -- don't like your midsection.
18% of you aren't crazy about your legs.
10% of you dislike your butt.
6% don't like your hair or skin.
And finally, 5% of women dislike everything about thier body while 2% love everything.

I dislike my legs. It's a family thing, skinny legs! Oh, I wiish I were taller. But that's not where I want to go with this.

OK, I'm a leg and butt guy. After the face and the smile, I work hard to check out the butt! Nice leggs and butt, I'm interested. But ladies, what is your favorite part of the male body? Lets not get BAD here, I'm talking shoulders, arms, butt, chest.

Ladies, what is your favorite part of the male body. What do you look for first?


Blogger Jacquie said...

I like nice nice knuckly hands and a chisled aw and great hair. Oooh lala

November 7, 2008 at 7:45 AM  

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