During this past presidential election we heard so much about how "small business" is the back bone of this country and if our country is to be strong these small business's to succeed.
If what we heard about small business is true, then we must support these company's. I encourage everyone to take a look at the mom and pop hardware stores, locally owned gas stations, clothing stores, appliance store, restaurants etc.
I've heard the excuses, these small stores "don't have what I need." "There prices are to high." "It's not convenient!" These excuses are weakening what we are calling the "back bone" of our country.
Whether you live Ashtabula, Lake or Geauga counties go shop these locally owned stores, I think you will find that they are priced competitively, they have to be. And if they don't have what you need, ask I'm sure they can get if for you. And most importantly, at these smaller locally owned stores you will find customer service you won't find at your bigger franchises.
I challenge everyone to take one week, or one weekend and do your business only with locally owned companies. You may pay .05 more per gallon on gas but, I bet you can get free air for your tires. Heck the may even have an attendant check your tire pressure for you.
The menu may be smaller but, I bet the food is home cooked and not pre-prepared.
They may not have the bolt or the part you need on their shelves but I bet they can get it for you and I bet it comes from another small business!
Try it for one week or one locally owned business only!

OK, you've seen divorce cakes and just divorced celebrations but what about a photo album of your split!
Divorcing couples in Italy are flocking to a photographer who's offering to shoot a wedding-style album of their split.
I think, when it comes to marriage and divocre we are doing things backwards. We should showers for divorcing couples because they are losing half their stuff!==================================================================In his book " Damp squid: the English Language Laid Bare" Oxford researcher, Jeremy Butterfield list the top ten annoying phrases in the english language and here they are...
1 - At the end of the day
2 - Fairly unique
3 - I personally
4 - At this moment in time
5 - With all due respect
6 - Absolutely
7 - It's a nightmare
8 - Shouldn't of
9 - 24/7
10 - It's not rocket science
Feel free to post a comment and add to the list.
Here are mine.
So easy a monkey can do it!
It is what it is.