Is summer over?
I hear a lot about childhood obesity... maybe its because we adults have a little weight issues ourselves.
I have no clue how to handle myself around women! (and I'm man enough to admit that.)

I hear a lot about childhood obesity... maybe its because we adults have a little weight issues ourselves.
I have no clue how to handle myself around women! (and I'm man enough to admit that.)
wonder why it's so hard to swat a fly? (It's a slow day unless you want politics and sports.)
According to US researchers, at the mere hint of a threat, the fly adjust their preflight stance to flee in the opposite direction, ensuring a clean getaway.
These movements are made very rapidly, within about 200 milliseconds,
Here's how it works. In response to a threat from the front, the fly moves its middle legs forward, leans back and raises its back legs for a backward takeoff. If the threat is from the side, the fly leans the other way before takeoff.
Now we can all sleep better!
According to US researchers, at the mere hint of a threat, the fly adjust their preflight stance to flee in the opposite direction, ensuring a clean getaway.
These movements are made very rapidly, within about 200 milliseconds,
Here's how it works. In response to a threat from the front, the fly moves its middle legs forward, leans back and raises its back legs for a backward takeoff. If the threat is from the side, the fly leans the other way before takeoff.
Now we can all sleep better!
Jesus on a moth...(again, slow day.)
How true is this?? Or as my son would say, "true that."

Wow! Guess you gotta be smarter than the fly huh?! Amazing!
Wow! Guess you gotta be smarter than the fly huh?! Amazing!
Wow! Guess you gotta be smarter than the fly huh?! Amazing!
Ummm have no clue how to handle yourself around women...I don't know if I want to know!! LOL
Your silly, and I think you do, your just too hard on yourself!
That picture is SO true!
...the one benefit of summer almost being over, those beer-gut wearing men that think they're handsome hunks will put their shirts on! Wooo!
That's it! It's the mirror, the mirror makes my butt look big!
..Ok that didn't make sense!
Oh my gosh I think I just found Mother Theresea on the smudges on my glasses! : 0
so Lisa, are you smater than a fly? (Sorry but when you post your same comment three times I can't leave it alone.)
Misty-Yes, I'm clueless. I guess it's because I think there are all these dating rules and I don't know what they are so I just sit back and watch everyone else play the game. CLUELESS!
Michelle-I think the best part about the end of summer is people will soon be putting away those ugly "CROC" shoes! YUK!
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