Monday, August 30, 2010

Interesting stuiff I found on the WWW

Interesting stuff I found on the world wide web...

This is a really fun pool game you play using you mouse. One tip...put your cursor on the ball you want to hit...tool me a while to figure that out.

There are all kinds of free and fun online games at this site of you just go to

Interesting stuff on the WWW

Interesting stuff I found on the world wide web.

Check out this website... to find ou the meaning behind eaach tarot card plus read articles and find books about tarot readings.

Most importantly...get a free online tarot reading.
(This card is the "three of swords." )

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Who da thunk it?

From the "Who do thunk it" department. Greeting cards for way.

Now I know pet's are a part of the family but come on, THEY CAN'T READ !! Besides, dogs love you know matter what...that's why there man's best friend. No matter what dumb thing we do our dog still loves us and we DON'T have to buy them cards and flowers to get there affection.

Say Cheese!

As I'm sure you've heard by now, Paris Hilton was arrested in Vegas on Coacain posession charges. It's her seond drug related arrest but that's not what I wanted to talk about. Did you see her mug shot? She smiled, she looked good...come on.

Why didn't i think of that?

From the… “Why Didn’t I Think Of That” department. (It’s stuff you see or hear about and you say…”Why didn”t I think of that?”
A paint that turn’s any wall into a dry erase board. This ingenious paint, called “Idea Paint,” turns anything you can paint into a reusable dry-erase surface, making it great for the office, kitchen, kid's room
Why didn’t I think of that?

(Click on blue to check out the web page)

Friday, August 27, 2010


Tom Willis was born without arms, but is aiming to throw out the first pitch at every major league baseball stadium. So far, he has thrown out 9 first pitches at different stadiums and will get his 10th in September with the Texas Rangers.


"Today would have been Michael Jackson's birthday so here are some random facts about the "King of pop.

  • Michael Jackson’s favorite animated character was Pinocchio
  • When he was a child his favorite books included Rip Van Winkle and The Old Man and the Sea
  • Saint Vincent, an island in the Caribbean, once issued Michael Jackson stamps
  • The singer once owned a boa constrictor called “Muscles”
  • Saint Vincent, an island in the Caribbean, once issued Michael Jackson stamps

  • The singer once owned a boa constrictor called “Muscles”
  • He has two stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame (one for himself and one as part of the Jackson Five)
  • In 1984 he won eight Grammy’s – the joint highest amount ever won by one person in a single year
  • He gave his first public performance at the age of 5 singing Climb Every Mountain

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thing's America Believe in...

80% believe in miracles

79% believe the earth revolves around the sun

58% believe the Iraq war was a mistake

50% believe gay marriage should be legal

45% believe in legal abortion

44% believe in legalizing marijuana

41% believe in ESP

41% believe football is the best sport

39% believe in evolution

37% believe houses can be haunted

37% believe Sarah Palin is qualified for President

36% follow politics very closely

32% believe the spirits of dead people can come back in certain places/situations

32% believe in UFOs

31% believe in telepathy

28% of Americans are Teabaggers

27% have an unfavorable view of Michelle Obama

25% have confidence in newspapers

25% believe in Astrology

21% believe that people can communicate mentally with someone who has died

21% believe in witches

20% believe in reincarnation

18% believe Barack Obama is a Muslim

18% believe the sun revolves around the earth

16% have no religion

9% believe in channeling/allowing a 'spirit-being' to temporarily assume control of body

2% admire Glenn Beck more than any other man

Wine and Walley fest

Wine & Walleye Festival is this weekend On Bridge street the Ashtabula Harbor.
Details on the website

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


What's up with that Wednesday...stories that make you say, "WHAT'S UP WITH THAT?"

This from Denver…
Where a 61-year old man has been ticketed for trespassing and banned from a supermarket after he told a deli-clerk he likes “large breast.” But the man swears he meant Chicken breast and nothing else.

It's not as if he tried to buy 15 items in the 12-item express checkout line.
I will keep you “abreast” of any further developments in this story.


What's up with that Wednesday, stories that make you say "WHAT'S UP WITH THAT?"

Dateline Seattle

A 31 year-old bride-to-be was arrested for drunk driving on her way home from her bachelorette party and just hours before her wedding.
Her blood-alcohol level was tested at .146. She told the WSP that she had been arrested for drunk driving once before.
The woman was released to a taxi so she could get to her wedding, according to WSP spokeswoman Christina Martin.
SHE GOT OFF!!! Note to self...if you ever get popped for DUI tell them that you are getting married and leaving bachelorette party.

Go ahead, say it..."WHAT'S UP WITH THAT?"

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Back to school

Ineresting stuff on found on the WWW

Check out these website...

This website has great tips for personal empowerment. Lear to better manage stress, lose weight and live healthier and much more.

You get a daily motivation statement like this…
Opportunities are never lost; someone will take the one you miss!
Get honest advise on relationships and dating from the opposite sex.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Question for today...

Before the first day of school do you do the whole "back to school" clothes shopping thing?

My opinion...the first few weeks of school, my kids are allowed to wear shorts and since at the beginning of summer I bought them all new shorts and shirts I just have them wear those summer clothes for the first couple weeks then I but clothes for the fall.

post your comments here or email them to me at


If your not familiar with the bucket list let me help you out. A "Bucket List" is basically a list of to-do's before you pass away.

Mine in to qualify for and run the Boston Marathon. (Next shot for qualifying is in Columbus October, 17th.

I have a good friend who has a very unusual "Bucket list" item. He is a very successful man, who loved what he did for a profession and is enjoying retirement but one thing he has always wanted to do is deliver Pizza's. Yes, his "bucket list" item includes delivering pizza's!

What is on your "Bucket List?" Drop a comment or email me at

Happy Monday

All right. I'm going to try this and see what happens. What ever I talk about on my radio show on Magic Oldies, 102.5 in Ashtabula, Ohio will also be posted here on this blog.

I encourage anyone and everyone to add comments about blog postings or anything in general that is on your mind. Keep in mind we may share your comments on the radio!


Big thank you

Big thank you to a Rcowger he emailed me the answer to the trivia question, who was the last Cleveland Brown to wear the number 19 during a regular seaon game. The answer that avoided me...Frisman Jackson!

Email me anytime at

Browns Football

Browns lost there first pre-season game on Saturday night...but that's not important.

What's important is for me to find out the answer to the trivia question WKYC Channel 3 was asking during the game.

The question...Who was the last Browns Player to wear #19 during a a regular season game. I know it couldn't 't have been Bernie Kosar because he was the color commentator for the the game and that would have been WAY to easy.

If you happen to know the answer or maybe heard Jim Donavan and Bernie give the answer during the broadcast (I was watching from a place where the game was on but no sound.) please share the answer with me, I GOT TO KNOW!

Email me a or simply post a comment here on this blog.
