Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thing's America Believe in...

80% believe in miracles

79% believe the earth revolves around the sun

58% believe the Iraq war was a mistake

50% believe gay marriage should be legal

45% believe in legal abortion

44% believe in legalizing marijuana

41% believe in ESP

41% believe football is the best sport

39% believe in evolution

37% believe houses can be haunted

37% believe Sarah Palin is qualified for President

36% follow politics very closely

32% believe the spirits of dead people can come back in certain places/situations

32% believe in UFOs

31% believe in telepathy

28% of Americans are Teabaggers

27% have an unfavorable view of Michelle Obama

25% have confidence in newspapers

25% believe in Astrology

21% believe that people can communicate mentally with someone who has died

21% believe in witches

20% believe in reincarnation

18% believe Barack Obama is a Muslim

18% believe the sun revolves around the earth

16% have no religion

9% believe in channeling/allowing a 'spirit-being' to temporarily assume control of body

2% admire Glenn Beck more than any other man


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