Gotta have these shoes!

The big buzz in fashion is Nike’s new Hyperdunk shoes, or the “Marty Mcfly 2015” modeled after the futuristic shoes worn be Michael J Fox in Back To The Future II, you know the ones -awesome air-pressurized auto-lacing mechanism.
A few enterprising (or desperate) fans purchased a limited edition version of the Hyperdunks at a Nike-sponsored event in Santa Monica last week and immediately placed them on the auction site EBay. You’ll need deep pockets if you want to buy a pair. The new Nike 'McFly' 2015 Hyperdunks are currently going for as much as $1,200.. Though Nike is not using “Back to the Future” or the word “McFly” in its release of these shoes, the Hyperdunk logo is reminiscent of the Back to the Future films and at last weeks Santa Monica event NBA star Kobe Bryant who was the headline headlined the event, Kobe arrived in a classic Delorean.
Nike has reportedly only made 1,000 pairs of the Marty McFly 2015’s with half those will be released in the U.S.
A few enterprising (or desperate) fans purchased a limited edition version of the Hyperdunks at a Nike-sponsored event in Santa Monica last week and immediately placed them on the auction site EBay. You’ll need deep pockets if you want to buy a pair. The new Nike 'McFly' 2015 Hyperdunks are currently going for as much as $1,200.. Though Nike is not using “Back to the Future” or the word “McFly” in its release of these shoes, the Hyperdunk logo is reminiscent of the Back to the Future films and at last weeks Santa Monica event NBA star Kobe Bryant who was the headline headlined the event, Kobe arrived in a classic Delorean.
Nike has reportedly only made 1,000 pairs of the Marty McFly 2015’s with half those will be released in the U.S.
It’s Cell phone etiquette month, here is a great link to things we should not be doing with our cell phones.
What things do people do with their cell phones that you think is rude?
As Biff Mc Fly would say "Wellll, since when did you become the physical type???"
I think it's so dangerous and wrong to text when you drive... (whatta hypocrite am I..haha!!!)
Down with obnoxious ringtones!!!!
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